I was operated on six (6) times in total by the incredible Dr Ash Kothari, who is head Onco-Plastic Breast Surgeon and Clinical Lead at Guy’s Hospital. Everyone said he was the best and he surpassed those expectations with me.

The first major surgery was right after chemo: a mastectomy and reconstruction with a lymph node biopsy. 

This was followed by an axillary clearance of the rest of my lymph nodes. 

After radiotherapy, my right breast implant had to be changed due to radiotherapy side effects. Scar tissue had developed around the implant making it hard and painful.

Once this had settled, I had lipomodelling (cosmetic surgery), which is when fat is taken from one part of the body and injected around the breast implant to get a more symmetrical shape. As thirty percent of the fat dissolved back into the body, the process was performed twice.

Firstly, fat was taken from the outer sides of my pair of thighs. This left me with puncture holes on either side. A few months later, some more fat was taken from the sides of my stomach. As the wounds healed, they turned very dark but are slowly fading back to their original colour.

The final surgery was an augmentation of the left breast for a more natural and symmetrical look.

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