I believe certain things happen to us for one reason or another and some things should be shared – especially if one believes others could gain from their experience. Assisting with information helps to let others know they are not alone.

Developing breast cancer – and going through all the treatments and surgeries – has empowered me to believe that I may be able to offer some sort of encouragement, hope, optimism and assistance to others.

If anyone that has just been diagnosed with breast cancer reads my encounter and finds anything I’ve shared helpful, or if it gives them comfort in any way, then my aim for this exposé has been achieved.

It would also give me immense pleasure and satisfaction if it encourages more  within the African community to open up about their diagnosis to their family and friends and choose a support team to assist them during what can be a very scary journey. 

Cancer can be genetic, or an illness that can develop during the course of one’s life at any age. There is quite a lot of stigma attached to it within the African community even amongst the elite and well educated.

In lots of countries, not just on the African Continent alone, cancer is something that is often kept quiet when it strikes. Considering I had already started pursuing a career in the media, I decided I wanted to share my experience and make it known that while cancer can strike at any time, early detection and ACTION is the best chance of survival.

My aim is to further heighten awareness across Africa. To help in every and any way I can with education on cancer survival and to help those going through treatment. The aim is to create an overall better environment for cancer patients, ensuring that there is a place where cancer diagnoses, treatment, equipment and trained professionals are available across Africa; particularly for children and for those less able to afford treatment.

While I was having my treatments, various operations and tests, I often thought how lucky I was to live in a country with such good resources, doctors and facilities to take such great care of me. They offered me and my family everything to ensure we all got through with as little added stress as possible. 

In my travels to other countries over the years, the exposure and experience of seeing how the wealthy and the poor lived stayed with me. I have always wanted to do my own little bit to help. My cancer diagnosis and journey has confirmed this is the area in which I may really be able to give something back.